Monday, November 17, 2008

Why! Why! Why!

I have done it again -- committed to myself to knit more than I can complete in the time allotted for the projects. I started with a seemingly managable project, making a pair of socks for each female coworker and family member on my Christmas gift list. I started back in March and I've made good progress toward the goal, having only two pairs or maybe three pairs of socks to complete. However, my daughter wants me to make each of my little grandsons a sweater for Christmas. I only found out about this a month ago. There are three little boys ages 4, 2 and 8 months. I started with the sweater for the oldest grandson, but it is taking longer than I estimated, so I'm afraid I won't finish by Christmas. My only hope is that the two smaller sweaters will not take as long as the first one. The first one is made in pieces, but I'm planning to make the other two with fewer seams. Actually, the first sweater is not the first sweater. I started with a sweater for the middle child, but it looks too small to layer over a shirt. That's okay, I can always gift it to a charitable organization since it is a perfectly darling sweater.

The most troubling aspect of running short on time to complete a task is that the process leaves me weary of knitting rather than excited and energized as I usually am. Oh well, I'll get over it when I complete the planned projects and get to knit what I want to knit.

1 comment:

John said...

Is that a certain Palo Duro Pres. person I'm looking at in the pic or is that another Lubbockian?