Monday, November 23, 2009

Much knitting but still no pictures

I have completed a lot of knitting projects, but I seem to be unable to get pictures of my completed projects. Some projects have been photographed, but I haven't downloaded the photos from the camera. I don't know why I am so slow about posting photos.

I have completed all the knitting for the Debbie Bliss animal scarves (bear, monkey and zebra). Now, I need to assemble the scarves. Also, I have completed one of the fingerless mits and started the second for my niece. They are black and white fingering weight yarn with music symbols on them. I have swatched for the flower cardigan for my mom's Christmas present. The swatch looks great. I think the sweater will be beautiful. The yarn is KnitPicks Swish DK in amethyst heather. It's a wonderful, rich purple, but when I look at it under the light in my living room, I could swear there is an orange "fuzz" on the surface. Odd, the tricks our eyes play on us!

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