Hello, world! I have started this Web log so that I can chronicle and display some of my activities and interests. I hope others will find something in my comments and activities that is interesting as well.
I was born way back last century and have lead a rather gypsy-like life. My father was an oil field worker, so we moved around a great deal during my years growing up in my birth family. About half of that time, we lived in a mobile home (largest was 41 feet long and 8 feet wide). Surprisingly, I do not remember feeling crowded or deprived in any way. In fact, we had a fairly insular life. We were rather like a family of turtles living in one shell. When we moved, our house moved with us. Indeed, when my dad's drilling rig was moved, three 5-man crews and their families moved. We simply changed yards surrounding our houses. In one town, perhaps one family would live in front of our house, and in the next town, that same family might live three spaces behind us.
I met my husband when I went away to college. He had lived in the same town all of his life and in the same house since he was four years old. Talk about culture clash! We've been hanging out together since 1969 and married in 1971. We have two children who are both married. Our daughter has two little sons, one who was 2 in March and the other who was born in January, 2006. In 1977, my husband joined the U.S. Air Force as a dental laboratory technician, and we began seeing the world. Our military family lived in Texas, Utah, Colorado, Maryland, Turkey and Spain. Oh, the stories I could tell!
Since my husband retired from the Air Force, we have lived in Lubbock, Texas, the city where he grew up and we began our life together.
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