As if I were not already working on too many projects (all sweaters), I have started a modular cardigan, the Mola Jacket by Patricia Werner in Dazzling Knits. I am making one last attempt to make something with the bamboo yarn that I purchased more than a year ago. I went into the local yarn shop (no longer in business) and asked for some red yarn in a DK or lighter weight. The only yarn that even faintly resembled what I'd requested was the "no brand" bamboo in poppy, not really the yarn or color of red I had in mind, but I bought enough to make a simple top with 3/4 length sleeves. In the time since I purchased the yarn, I have attempted to knit and subsequently unknit three different garments. The yarn splits if you breathe and the stitches slip and slide around as if they are snakes in a pit. I will never, never, never buy 100% bamboo yarn again. Did you hear that? I said NEVER!
Modular designs are interesting to knit and produce garments that are unlike standard knitted garments. The knitter must beware of the deceitful nature of modular knitting. It's easy to stay up way past bedtime, not with the "just one more row", the famous last words of the knitter of standard garments, but with the "just one more module" which leads inevitably to another and another and another. I started knitting this garment from the bamboo yarn so that I would discover split stitches sooner and have less to rip out to correct the mess. I had visions of taking my time, and working on the jacket a little at a time to keep the frustration level down.
I should be able to post some "in progress" pictures soon. Until then, happy knitting!